Almond Flour Pancakes


Gluten-free almond flour pancakes

Fairly difficult
Fairly cheap

Almond Flour Pancakes


For 1 Person(s)


  • 1 3/4 cup(s) blanched almond flour
  • 2 Piece(s) large pastured eggs
  • 1 tablespoon(s) Coconut oil or grass fed butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon(s) Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) ground Cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon(s) 1/4 tsp ground Nutmeg
  • 2/3 cup(s) Water

Almond Flour Pancakes Directions

  1. Place water, coconut oil and eggs into your blender, then place all of the dry ingredients on top.
  2. Cover and blend on low to start, then increase to high and blend until homogenized into smooth batter.
  3. If mixture is too thick, add more water, or some unsweetened almond or coconut milk until desired consistency is reached.
  4. Place small amount of grass fed butter or coconut oil in a large non-stick skillet at medium to low heat.
  5. Using 1/8 cup, scoop batter into the frying pan, leaving enough space in between pancakes to flip.
  6. Cook 2 minutes on the first side, until pancakes begin to dry out at edges and the bottoms are a golden brown. It’s important to keep a careful eye on them as almond flour pancakes burn easily. Flip, and cook for a remaining 1-2 minutes. Add additional cooking fat as needed. (It helps to flip pancakes back and forth a bit to ensure they are cooked through.)
  7. Top with your choice of grass fed butter or coconut oil, some berries and/or chopped fruit, a dash of maple syrup, and serve.

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